Last weekend, Boston University Stage Troupe succeeded in thrilling its audience with In the Next Room, or The Vibrator Play directed by Melissa D’Anna. I’ll mention before I go into my impressions, that I had never seen or read the play before, so I was unsure of what to expect. The very first thing I […]

The annual short play festival at The Imperial Pub, put on by “Toronto’s Geekiest Theatre Company” is an adorable event. The tiny back room that houses a makeshift theatre has terrible acoustics and lots of pub noise leaking through the curtain that separates it from the main bar section. The lighting grid is sparse, the […]


If I were a Legally Blonde character I would be a not-so-delicate combo of snobby conservative Vivienne Kensington and frumpy, loudmouth intellectual-liberal Enid Hoopes; but despite this uber-brunette pedigree, I am an unabashed Elle Woods fan. I think she’s the greatest. The world needs kind and well-meaning characters like Elle and her empathetic optimism, and […]

Sometimes a one-act play can be brilliant in its low-frills simplicity (great one-man shows like Modern Love, Bursting into Flames and Ellamentary are like that). Sometimes their shortened length allows for succinct storytelling and tight pacing (particularly in intimate stories like family-centred one-acts Kim’s Convenience and Remember, Maggy?– both wonderful). And sometimes you’re glad a […]

HONORARY AWARD Our Yearly Honorary Award is for an artist whose exceptional work doesn’t fit into the categories of the My Theatre Awards. In the world of theatre, that could be a dramaturg, someone on the tech team or a designer who works in regional or student theatre (the Best Designer category is only in […]

Our My Theatre Performers of the Year are actors who stood out in multiple productions throughout 2011. There are so many great actors who do outstanding work across the board, specifically in repertory companies, that this year we decided to award PoYs at all three major rep companies in Ontario as well as in the […]

I know, I know, these are unforgivably late. But our annual Award Nominee Interview Series ballooned to 50 people and took forever to roll out. There’s still one TV interview to come but the My Cinema Award Winners have been announced and now it’s time for the My Theatre Award Winners (Read the full list […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2011 My Theatre Awards, we’re proud to present the My Theatre Nominee Interview Series. Michael-David Blostein is one of My Theatre’s favourite people. He stole one of the first shows we ever reviewed- SoupCan Theatre’s Love is a Poverty You Can Sell– and we’ve covered almost every show […]