Imagination is a terrible thing to waste. For a company that actively strives to ‘re-imagine worlds, re-connect communities, and re-awaken artists through the power of theatrical performance’, Imaginary Beasts wastes nothing with their summer smash “Cruel Botany”. Director Matthew Woods impressively leads his company of actors through not one, but two plays in anything but […]

Stop. Go see this show. It’s not often that I make a frank endorsement for a show. Here it is: Three of Boston’s hottest fringe theatre companies have teamed up to bring a fantastically executed production of Naomi Iizuka’s Polaroid Stories to the Boston Center for the Arts. The Boston Actors Theater, Happy Medium Theatre, […]

The 2012 Toronto Fringe Festival Has Finally Begun! Actually, it began last Wednesday, but I just saw my first show so I say it has only now officially begun (remember how this site is an evil dictatorship? Never forget again). I’ve just returned from a 1:45pm-12am day consisting of 5 Fringe shows (and a detour […]

It’s often difficult to separate your personal feelings from your objective review when enjoying a piece of theatre. Emotions strike you, plot lines stick with you, and talent surprises you. I was delighted to see The Happy Medium Theatre Company’s production of Richard Greenberg’s The American Plan. I’ve been a fan of Greenberg’s work for a […]


The Toronto Fringe Festival starts today! So, to arm you in your battle against the overwhelming number of options, we thought we’d give you the scoop on some of the productions involving My Theatre favourites (and a couple that just look awesome). Here’s what the actual artists involved have to say about their Fringe shows: […]

It’s not often that you see a parody of a parody; the style is a difficult skill to master. First, the audience needs to understand the source of the original parody, and only then, the audience needs to understand the references to the original parody. Honestly, it’s difficult to separate what’s the parody of what. […]

The National Ballet of Canada is a fascinating place. It’s where national treasures like Karen Kain and Rex Harrington earned their world-renowned reputations and are now guiding the current wave of tremendous talent as Artistic Director and Artist-in-Residence. It’s home to some of Toronto’s most beloved performers, some of the world’s most talented dancers and […]

Shakespeare in the Park doesn’t have to– and shouldn’t– be artistically confined by the fact that it takes place in the summer, and the Public Theater is commendable for often putting on shows that seem in argument with the very theater in which they take place. But sometimes, when the thermometer goes way up and […]