I was slightly apprehensive to attend F.U.D.G.E’s Parade after the Joseph . . . Dreamcoat debacle. However, the company seems to have outdone themselves, and they are back to their creative high from last fall’s award-winning Spring Awakening. The return of some of their strongest company members with Joey DeMita’s strong direction makes this production […]

So, we here at My Theater have been to a few Happy Medium Productions at this point. Personally, this is my first introduction to their work, and I have mixed feelings. The Revenants is a surprisingly witty, often very funny show about two couples during the Zombie Apocalypse forced to decide at which point their […]

Summer for most people is time for pools and barbecues and baseball. And, don’t get me wrong, I both adore and partake in all of those things. But, for me, what makes summer what it is (beyond those iconic Marine Land ads that mark the beginning and end of the season) is theatre. There’s the […]

Tom Stoppard’s absurd Hamlet spinoff is beloved among my particular demographic of friends who are really into Hamlet, Gary Oldman (who starred in the movie version), and wacky British things like Doctor Who. I am not one of these people, I just hang out with lots of these people and find them exhausting. Despite this, […]


This is a very weird year in Stratford because most of the really good productions are musicals. North America’s most prominent Shakespeare company usually does fine musicals and great Shakespeare, but Pirates of Penzance and Wanderlust are two of the only highlights of this season (Charlie Brown is good, but not a standout). I was […]

First a story: My dad doesn’t like Charlie Brown; he finds him depressing, and this is an argument we have every December when it’s time to pull out the old tape of Christmas specials. I love Charlie Brown and the whole Peanuts world (especially Lucy!). If I had to pick a Christmas special to call […]

Death of a Salesman is exactly the sort of piece that Soulpepper does brilliantly- intimate, personal, actor-driven, and a modern classic. The tight-knit company always fares well with family stories and any time you can cast the first couple of Soulpepper- Joseph Ziegler and Nancy Palk- as the parents at the centre of things, it’s […]

Equal parts tragedy and comedy with a tinge of history, Alumnae Theatre’s season opener is a real visual treat.  Audience members are aptly greeted by a tall pyramid structure positioned centre stage which I – for better or worse – immediately deemed the “tower of Babylon.”  Contained within are many of the props which actors […]