Being no stranger to Flat Earth productions, I was ecstatic to kick off my new year with one of theirs.  Never much being one for Absurdist theater, nor having a particularly deeps knowledge of Czech playwrights, I went in to The Memorandum completely blind, and suffice to say I was blown away by what I saw. Richly presented […]

Hannah Moscovitch is such a solid playwright. Her works is so consistently good it’s beginning to border on predictable. It’s rare that I’m completely enraptured by a Moscovitch piece but I’m always impressed and effected. She chooses hard subjects and captures them vividly with sharp, realistic dialogue and rich characterizations. A Moscovitch play is the […]

Welcome to this year’s My Theatre Awards. This is our chance to weigh in on what we think were the best productions, performances and other theatrical contributions of the year. Any production that one of our reviewers saw between January 1st and December 31st 2012 is qualified for an award. (Remounts only qualify if we’re […]

Documentary-style theatre creation often has a tendency of being too dry, too filmic or too wordy for the stage which requires extended use of body and voice – and, these days, other mediums – to keep audience members engaged.  This is not the case with Awake, a multidisciplinary production by Expect Theatre as part of […]

I’m going to be in the minority; I don’t like it. I had a tough time sitting down to write this review because I was uncertain how to articulate exactly how I felt walking out of the Huntington Theatre Company’s Our Town a few weeks ago. This iconic show is magical and dazzling. In my defense  […]


I read the original version of Without You when it was first released in 2006. It was a lovely book, full of emotional memories and revealing frankness nestled among the awkward prose and insider-y Renthead bait. I, like almost every theatre-loving girl of my generation, have a very special place in my heart for Rent […]

I’d heard so many great things about Melody A. Johnson’s one-woman show Miss Caledonia that my expectations were sky-high. There’s something just so incredibly charming about a woman who grows up and ends up spending much of her writing and performing career paying tribute to her country-girl mother and the much-smaller dreams that led to […]


Ross Petty’s annual holiday pantomime is an important tradition to keep alive in Toronto. There’s a depressing dearth of smartly produced kid-friendly theatre in this city and, at its best, Petty’s goofy fractured fairytale can be the clever centerpiece of a kid’s cultural year. They get to dress up, go to one of the city’s […]