Click Here to read Part One of my Fringe 2013 saga. Fuck Shakespeare sounded like something I might like. It was about a playwright (I love stories about writers; I generally find that writers do a good job writing them- who’dathunk?) and supposedly incorporated Shakespeare somehow. That’s more than enough reason than I need to […]

“You’re not special just because you got hit by lightning.” “The internet thinks I am.” It is much easier to review a show that is unequivocally bad or mind-blowingly amazing. It is the complicated show with so much potential but a final production that ultimately doesn’t work, that creates a conflict for me. I want […]

As soon as I sat down in the Annex Theatre for my first-ever Toronto Fringe experience, I realized that I had already made my first Fringe mistake. I failed to select a seat that would allow for an easy escape. Striding across the stage in the middle of a performance in order to leave is neither a good idea […]

The two most recent productions in Soulpepper’s 2013 season have been lively re-interpretations of texts that can only be described as classics. The first, Michael O’Brien and John Millard’s anachronistic take on Rossini’s The Barber of Seville, was a goofy romp-like good time and little more. The sublime pleasure of having the great Dan Chameroy […]

I have unrealistic expectations for Assassins. It is easily one of my favorite shows, falling behind only Into the Woods as my favorite Sondheim. I know how odd that makes me, as a person and a theatre aficionado, and I give you free reign to judge me. F.U.D.G.E. Theatre Company’s production of Assassins has some […]

Reagle Music Theatre of Greater Boston presents their Fiddler on the Roof, billing the production as “Scott Wahle in Fiddler on the Roof”. Wahle does an adequate job in the iconic role of Tevye, a Jewish milkman in the poor town of Anatevka. However, the real heart of the production comes in the surprises from […]

I seem to have terrible luck with The Toronto Fringe Festival. Actually, let me amend that: some years I have terrible luck with The Toronto Fringe Festival. I seem to remember 2011 being just full of win. 2013? Not so much. I caught more bad breaks in my attempts to cover this year’s festival than […]

Jack Your Body A dance performance that makes me want to go out and get my boogie on always boasts the audience leaving with smiles plastered on their faces. The Mix-Mix Dance Collective certainly brought in a mixed crowd but gave universal satisfaction. An elderly couple in front of me at the show commented “Well […]