The image of a totally nude young dancer prancing around the stage at the Betty Oliphant Theatre (fondly referred to as the Betty O) to “You’re So Vain” bleating from a heavy boombox is a sight that one gets used to surprisingly easily. Ben Kamino opened the dance: made in canada festival on Wednesday night with an excerpt from […]

In my opinion, Parade, as a text, is a grand achievement in musical theatre. The fact that it is only Jason Robert Brown’s second (arguably third) best work is therefore astounding but we’re not here to discuss the composer or Alfred Uhry’s book (again). StageWorks Toronto was coming off of Urinetown when they chose Parade and […]


I went to see Wild Dogs on the Moscow Trains because I really enjoyed Anthony MacMahon’s script for The Frenzy of Queen Maeve at last year’s festival and was looking forward to seeing My Theatre Award nominee Ewa Wolniczek perform another of his pieces. To my surprise and delight, I found that Wild Dogs is […]

I wanted to like this play. I have a love of the playwright, Paula Vogel, since before college. The play is part of the LGBTQ theatrical canon and provides magical, but heartfelt, portrayal of living and suffering from HIV and AIDS. Yes, the play is topical (if slightly dated with the advent of new medicine […]

It’s hard to forget a company like the Huntington Theatre Company in Boston. It surprises audiences continuously with its award-winning seasons. Their late spring production of Rapture, Blister, Burn was no exception. Peter DuBois led a charming cast of talent in this biting new comedy by Gina Gionfriddo. While Gionfriddo is not a household name, […]

Just one more, I promise. This is the last one. And I promise this one is nice. This one is really nice. Because this was the thing I liked. This was the Only thing I legitimately really liked over the course of the entire Fringe Festival without previously liking the company, the text, the director […]

After two instalments of highly critical Fringe complaining (Part 1, Part 2– my colleagues were much nicer), I have two productions left to discuss. One was pretty good but not as great as I wanted it to be, one was one of the highlights of the year in theatre so far. But what they share is the participation of artists […]


This is the first Hub Theater Company show I’ve seen and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it when I walked away. Nora and Delia Ephron’s play, based on the book by Ilene Beckerman, gets the job done but leaves a lot to be desired. It starts out with a really great set-up. The […]