Directed by Jackie Gosselin, this DynamO Théâtre production takes well-known and well-loved work, turns it a little bit on its head, and sets it back down for a younger audience. ‘What if?’ is a dangerous and compelling line of questioning that sparks reflection and regret… It can also be the spark of deeper contemplation. What […]


I love Seussical the Musical. I think it’s just about the cutest thing in the world, Ahrens & Flaherty’s songs are catchy beyond belief, and there’s more intellectual and emotional complexity in the storytelling than one might ever expect from such silliness. “A person’s a person no matter how small”, “tell yourself how lucky you […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2015 MyTheatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series.   After winning Best Actor in 2013 and Best Ensemble in 2014, we had to talk the always delightful Damien Atkins into joining the Nominee Interview Series a third year in a row. He feared the readers […]

Young People’s Theatre’s new musical version of Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang is fun and silly in perfect tune with the original book by Mordecai Richler, which marks its 40th anniversary this year. The new music by Britta and Anika Johnson is catchy and pretty, especially as sung by the excellent cast. My Theatre […]


I woke up on November 27th 2014 at the age of 25. Now, as I sit drinking a Stella at a jazz bar in Kensington Market (Shafton Thomas Group, Thursday Nights at Poetry– you should go!) , I’m back somewhere near where I started. But for a few hours there in the middle- between 1 […]


Enemy of the People: an open forum Florian Borchmeyer’s modern adaptation of the Ibsen play An Enemy of the People (translated by Maria Milisavljevic) attempts to instill the 1882 play with new immediacy and contemporary commentary. We’re destroying the earth! Bureaucracy will kill us all! Everyone is corrupt! Resistance is futile! It all works fairly […]