Here we go, guys. It is Finally time for The Winners! Those patient few of you who’ve stuck with us since January’s announcement of the 2012 nominees through our epic 50+ piece Nominee Interview Series– the wait is finally over. We’ve picked winners for you and we’re starting the rollout Right. Now. Part audience vote, […]
Okay, so I know I haven’t really reviewed that many kids books here before, but I get asked (by relatives, by children, by parents of children) for recommendations for kid’s books ALL THE TIME!!! And I mean, I will not tell a lie, I ADORE telling people what to read—you know, sharing books that I […]
Generally speaking, I’m not very good at serials. I don’t watch TV when it airs (people watch things weekly?! How????), I always end up marathoning whole seasons in great swaths, or abandoning series partway through. For example, I have not finished either Battlestar Galactica OR Friday Night Lights yet. I love both of them, I’m […]
Okay, in the second (third? I guess it depends on how you count) installment of Borah’s Best of 2012, we have two categories. Think of it as a double feature. 1) Books That Don’t Let Go This is erroneously named. Only one book really needed to be here. But it did, indeed, need to be […]
This is pretty much straightforward. I read a lot of books this year, and a huge proportion of those books were fiction. Sometimes realistic, some fantasy, some sci-fi, and some historical—but, in any case, a lot of fiction. These are—in no true order—my top five fiction picks of the year. The Dog Stars, by Peter […]
Okay, so My Books is not doing an awards thinggummy this year (hopefully one day). Basically, there are just too many great books out in the world and not enough people to properly keep tabs on them. And I’d rather not give short shrift, you know? So in lieu of a proper AWARDS type thing, […]
Here they are, my absolute favourite films of the year. Read Part I and Part II for the scoop on #6-15. 5. Argo At the Golden Globes on Sunday there weren’t very many standing ovations. Obviously the Cecil B. DeMill recipient got the traditional stand-and-applaud (this time, Jodie Foster), but other than her I only […]
If you haven’t read Part I of this over-written countdown, you should go do that now (I worked hard on these!). I’ll wait…. … … … … … Are you back? Okay, here’s Part II. It’s got two relatively small films, two massive world-wide blockbusters, and one new release featuring the breakout star of the […]