It’s hard to know where to start in discussing vox:lumen, which opened at the Harbourfront Center’s World Stage last week. Do we being by talking about the show itself: a dance in the dark that made light a player on stage with dancers lighting each other and themselves from a variety of sources, including flashlights. […]

The project that William Yong has undertaken with Zata Omm Dance Projects and an inspiring network of supporters is truly monumental. An experiment in sustainability of theatre (and artists), vox:lumen brings awareness to current issues of conservation in a beautiful and poignant way. The pre-show lobby is full of energy, jitters, and smiles, which are […]

There really are not enough wonderful things to say about The Object Lesson, part of the World Stage series at Harbourfront Centre. I have not seen such an enchanting piece of theatre in a long time. It’s truly a shame that its run is so short as it would offer many, I feel, the chance […]

A Catholic Church cardinal comes on to the messy stage at the Harbourfront Studio Theatre. He shuffles around in the near darkness, comes to the front, and suddenly, looks out to the audience, as if noticing them for the first time. Or is it us he notices? For his gaze drifts upwards, and looking, towards […]


Sheila: So it used to be that—so what happens in the play is there are these two families, the Oddis and the Sings. And they both have a twelve-year old kid. The Oddis have a twelve-year-old girl named Jenny, and the Sings have a twelve-year-old boy named Daniel. And they’re both in Paris. And they’re […]