The Walking Dead is only three episodes into the new season, and already the entire prison settlement is at imminent risk and the survivors have started killing each other. The mysterious illness has begun to sweep through the jail and people are getting sick very quickly. The decision is made to establish a quarantine area […]

I’m curious, does anyone know where I could get an application to become Derek Shepherd’s wife? I’ll even settle for Patrick Dempsey, so long as he’s as incredible a husband as his doctor counterpart. In the most recent episode of Grey’s, “Map of You” the most attractive doctors on television made progressive relationship moves. Alex, […]

For the first time in weeks, this review will not end with the question “Where is Tyler?” because thank the CW lords, Tyler is back! Albeit, only for 6.2 seconds, and he doesn’t say a word, but man have I missed that hybrid mug. His appearance hopefully means he’ll be sticking around for at least […]

Happiness is a tricky thing on television shows, because happiness is boring to watch. It’s why couples never stay together, why the conspiracy is never really solved, and why Walter White just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. The Walking Dead has faced accusation of low excitement and slow pacing (remember the farm? Man, bleep that […]

Even when Bob Saget starts an episode with “Kids” I still forget that Ted is telling the story of how he met his wife to his children because, man, does that dude not leave out a detail. My mom told me how she met my dad in the car ride home from the grocery store, […]

About halfway through the “Original Sin”, my boyfriend starting watching The Vampire Diaries with me. He needed to be explained what was going on and my description went something like this: “That’s Silas and he is bad and he’s the original Paul Wesley, and the girl he’s with is Katherine, the second or maybe third, […]

Now we return to The Adventures of Farmer Rick and The Good Times Gang. Today Farmer Rick will show us the best way to grow your own crops, avoiding all those harmful chemicals and pesticides that you’ll find in –OH CRAP ZOMBIES! And with that, The Walking Dead has returned for another year of zombie […]

It’s forty-eight hours before the wedding and this episode of How I Met Your Mother has seen more character inconsistencies than any other thus far. I’ve heard gambling brings out the worst in people, but man, did “The Poker Game” exist in some kind of alternate HIMYM universe? It’s not that the gang (plus James) […]