Recently, my roommates and I were discussing our Sunday night television shows. We all felt the need to clarify that they were guilty pleasures, but were also really good. But obviously only to us, and a handful of moms. For me, it’s Revenge. It’s not a fantastic show, and the actors take themselves way too […]

Mid-season finale time is probably the best time for television; the show ends explosively, but the viewers need not wait four long, agonizing months to find out what happened. We only need to wait one or two long, agonizing months! Grey’s Anatomy is known for being great at finales. Remember when Mer stuck her hand […]

This week’s Vampire Diaries was loaded with deadly flashbacks and one cute new vampire. Remember, good looking is a requirement on any CW show. In “The Cell,” Damon and Elena were literally in cells after being put down by Dr. Wes who is carrying on the Augustine experiments from Damon’s past. Last episode, it was […]

With a slice and a KA-boom, The Walking Dead has reached its mid-season finale as the Governor – er I mean One Eye – as he leads his army of people dumb enough to believe anything in an attack against the prison. But before the explosive hijinks ensue, we have to start with last week’s […]

When an episode of television attempts a gimmick, it can either succeed or fail with no in between. Luckily for How I Met Your Mother’s “Bedtime Stories,” the all-rhyming episode, while not Shakespeare calibre, was still a hit. The episode started with the premise that Marvin couldn’t fall asleep without the sweet sound of rhymes, […]

After a mysterious disappearance, a new name, and a new life, the Governor is back on The Walking Dead. Picking right from last week episode, Martinez rescues young Meghan and his former boss from the zombie pit. He informs the Governor that they have a new settlement, but he must accept Martinez’ command and their […]

The “Day of the Doctor” has finally arrived. As a standalone episode, it was fantastic. As a celebration of the past 50 years of the show? …it could have done better. The 50th anniversary special was one of the best episodes the show has had in a long time. The pacing was great; it featured […]

I have always been a staunch defender of the bitchy, take no prisoners lifestyle that Dr. Christina Yang lives by, but her attitude as of late has left me less than impressed with my favourite Grey’s gal. I understand where the dissolution of a friendship like the twisted sisters is coming from a business standpoint […]