I decided to wait a week before commenting on the episode of Game of Thrones that will probably live forever as “That One With The Unnecessary Rape Scene.” For fans of the book, in particular, the showrunner’s decision to have Jamie rape his sister next to the dead body of his son seems misguided at […]
Another day of work for everyone at SC&P and another day at home for Don Draper. Still on the outs from his old colleagues, Don’s day doesn’t get any better when Megan’s agent calls. Apparent;y she has been a little too eager when it comes to the hustle of being an actress, basically stalking potential […]
It’s Valentine’s Day 1969, and love bitter resentment is in the air at SD&P. Peggy steps off the elevator feeling festive, and spots a bouquet of flowers waiting on her secretary’s desk. Peggy is immediately smitten by the fact that Ted, her very brief fling, is still thinking of her all the way out in […]
Parenthood‘s fifth season was only its second with a full 22-episode order (the other was season two). For some characters, that resulted in what felt like two distinct story arcs while the show depended on Julia and Joel’s marriage troubles (and, to a lesser degree, Sarah and Drew’s stories) to pull the season together. It’d […]
In last week’s second season finale of ABC’s alien sitcom, the characters wondered if there was a future for them on earth. “I’ve heard rumours about ABC Family” said teenager Reggie Jackson only to be shrugged off by his Supreme Leader father Larry Bird. While I would not endorse a move to ABC Family (I […]
It’s the beginning of the end of the beginning. Time has marched forward in Mad Men, and the 60’s have finally arrived in full swing, just in time for the decade wrap up. Season 6 ended with several characters in precarious positions, and now that the series has reached the final fourteen episodes of its […]
A lot of coverage of last night’s episode of Game of Thrones (and a very necessary SPOILER ALERT just in case you haven’t watched it) is going to focus on that ending. There will be a lot of punning about why men should be very afraid to get married in the world of Westeros. There […]
Leslie’s pregnant! Congratulations Ben and Leslie! This is so exciting. Great, that’s out of the way. Parks and Rec has been going back to some classics this season and they’ve been great. First Greg Pikitis and now the Flu Season. Though this episode didn’t have much to do with the Flue. Larry’s in quarantine and […]