Despite a compelling performance by its leading actors, NBC’s new pirate drama Crossbones never quite manages to take off. On the surface, it seems like a show I should really like. It’s a period drama. It’s about pirates. It has John Malkovich. And yet, despite having all the right ingredients, Crossbones falls flat. John Malkovich stars as […]
The dramatic conclusion to Hannibal‘s second season this past weekend left a big gaping question: what happens next? (Spoilers ahead). Although a cult favorite, Hannibal has a small audience, and was only just renewed a few weeks ago. The season finale felt like it could also have doubled as a series finale. Perhaps after Pushing Daisies’ […]
The most important episode of Mad Men’s seven year run might have been the penultimate instalment of the third season, where JFK is assassinated. The era of relative peace that these characters existed in was ended, kicking off the tumultuous counterculture movement to calm, and resulted in Betty Draper telling Don she wanted a divorce, […]
I don’t go in for sexy vampires and demons and things anymore. Not that I ever really did. There’s nothing wrong with sexy vampires and demons and things, I guess, except that I feel like they’ve taken what was once my favourite network away from me. With The WB of Gilmore/Dawson/Everwood fame a distant memory […]
While it seemed like the first five episodes of Mad Men this season have been building towards Don Draper coming up for the idea for frequent flyer miles, the shows west coast characters make the trip back east to New York tonight. The first to arrive is Pete and his Barbie-esque girlfriend Bonnie, who practically […]
Hannibal‘s second season is starting to wind down. And by wind down, I mean in a strictly quantitative sense, because there is only one episode left. (Don’t worry; NBC announced the show would be getting a third season). The episodes themselves are intense, gritty and full of surprises. (spoilers) Part of the show’s charm is […]
For weeks (many weeks) leading up to last night’s season 10 finale of Grey’s Anatomy, the ABC promo department has been drilling it into our brains: “it’s Grey’s Anatomy, Farewell to Cristina!!!!!!!!!”. This was an important one- the first original intern to leave since Izzie (season 6), and the departure of Sandra Oh who was […]
If you’re a fan of Revenge, you probably already knew that the show was renewed for a forth season late last week. You also know that the finale aired last Sunday, which means there was only three days between the renewal notice and the season finale airing. Not nearly enough time for the writers to […]