Let’s Celebrate the Dead Alcide’s dad and girlfriend come to Bon Temps to honor his death.  Along with Alcide they throw a massive party to celebrate their lives and the lives saved and brought back home. The highlights of the party: Lettie Mae gives a beautiful toast to the passing of Tara, Adina Porter has […]

I liked the second episode of Welcome to Sweden a lot more than the first episode, and I have a feeling it’s only going to get better as the season continues. The cameos have been great so far and I hope that they continue. I love with things get awkward on TV shows and this […]


Masters of Sex returned with its second season premiere. I’ll admit that when it first aired, I was worried it was merely a fluff show trying to capitalize on the “era drama” popularized by Mad Men. Not being a fan of Mad Men, I gave the show a reluctant gander and was pleasantly drawn in. […]


Episode 1- 7:18pm The pilot instantly sucks you into the world of Hemlock Grove, which is weird. Not just because of werewolves, but because while there are iPhones and other modern technology, downtown itself looks like it was frozen in the 1950’s. Same with about half the cars. The only thing I didn’t like was […]

This week’s episode of The Leftovers, titled “Two Boats and a Helicopter” was definitely different from the first two. Rather than going from story to story as usual, we got to know Christopher Eccleston’s Matt Jamison a whole lot better than before. He is determined for people to know “the truth” about what happened. It […]

Death and Exposition With the death of Alicide it was time for Sookie to let his father know, in a rare heartfelt moment you see him shed some grief. Jason calls Hoyt in Alaska, to tell him his mother was killed.  If you don’t remember, which I didn’t Hoyt had his memory of Jason taken […]

Welcome to Sweden, Greg Poehler’s new show based on his actual experiences following his girlfriend to Sweden, is more cute than the laugh-out-loud comedy I was expecting. That said, it is really endearing and seems really sweet. It came to America and Canada after what I assume to be a successful run in Sweden. Poehler’s […]


Remember the song “Why Can’t We Be friends?” I feel as though the characters on Suits should give it a good old listen. Maybe just the chorus though, those verses don’t make any sense. I all seriousness, Suits got all kinds of serious in “Leveraged.”  The most recent episode had all our favourite boys scrambling […]