Before Worlds Apart premiered, Jeff Probst was confident that fans would love this season after a somewhat dull cast of San Juan del Sur (minus the very deserving winner at the end). I’ve got to say, I didn’t believe him for a good portion of this season. Just like last fall, this season saw all […]

Jane the Virgin wrapped up its freshman season this week with a one, two, three… actually, I’ve lost count of how many twists ended up in “Chapter Twenty-Two.” Despite its less-than-strategic title, this show is one of the greats, with the finale making me cry, laugh, and say “Noooooo” aloud more than once. So, like […]


Well, Revenge finished up its four-season long run this week, and the finale, like the rest of the show, was…mediocre. I hate to sound like every other person on the Internet that has ever watched Revenge, but it’s true – Revenge was fantastic in its first season and lost its spark in subsequent seasons. While […]

As the second to last episode of Mad Men began it was hard to ignore the title card that appeared on my Tivo. The Milk and Honey Route. This week’s episode was written by Carly Wray and Matt Weiner and directed by Weiner. As the title suggests it was all about finding the Promised Land. […]

Spoiler Alert right off the top because this was the first episode of TV in quite some time that Facebook actually ruined for me the night-of (usually it’s more of a “this happened 3 months ago, at this point you deserve to be spoiled” kind of thing). I fight with people about The Big Bang […]


The totally goofy, very sitcom-y NBC spring sitcom Undateable is not the sort of show you really want to go to bat for when begging the networks not to cancel your favourite things (this year that’s The Mindy Project and About a Boy, both regular purveyors of honest to goodness human emotion) it is, nonetheless, […]


FOX’s beloved hipster comedy once reigned as my favourite show on TV, without competition. In 2012- the year that encompassed the last half of the first season, when the show really hit its stride, and the first half of the second season, when it really took off- it nearly swept the My TV Awards, winning […]


There are only two episodes left in the entirety of Mad Men and while that alone is a depressing thing to write Matt Weiner served us another episode full of soul-searching and heart breaking. This week’s episode was written by Semi Chellas and Matthew Weiner and directed by Phil Abraham and does not waste anytime […]