This week, Hannibal explored some of the titular character’s past. It gave few answers, but raised many more questions, in a typically fascinating and disturbing episode. (Some spoilers ahead). In his search for Hannibal, Will decides to visit Hannibal’s past- the Lecter estate in Lithuania. Hannibal’s childhood home is just as grand, beautiful and creepy […]

Orange is the New Black is back! It seems like we’ve been waiting forever to check in with the women at Litchfield Penitentiary, and the first two episodes of season three, “Mother’s Day” and “Bed Bugs and Beyond,” were incredible. “Mother’s Day” was the perfect way to open up season three. Alex came back! And […]

It is hard to deny Ray Bradbury‘s influence on pop culture. Most students in the US have at least read his seminal classic Fahrenheit 451 and even The Martian Chronicles remains one of the most cited short story collections among science fiction fans and general literature readers alike. That is why it is so exciting […]

The Bachelorette is here! The 2 Bachelorettes nonsense is out of the way, the season’s big surprise addition has joined the ranks (Nick Viall, more on him in a moment) and the series premiere of Lifetime’s new drama UnREAL has me keen to write about my second favourite summer show (after Big Brother, of course) […]

With the aptly titled ‘Antipasto’, Hannibal shows that it continues to be one of the most daring, unique shows on TV. While most shows open their seasons with a bang, this year, Hannibal took its sweet time, focusing on character exploration. More interestingly, it focused on only two of its main characters. When you consider […]

Now here’s what I’m talking about. Just five episodes in, and we’ve hit what is one the show’s best episodes. It’s in this episode that the show really starts to push against some of its boundaries while beginning to develop some depth in character writing. We start off with the kids hanging out with Wendy […]


It’s time, once again, for the On DVD series featuring new releases from Paramount Home Distribution. Selma (May 5) If you’re going to buy a movie on DVD (and I understand why you wouldn’t), this is the one to get. The Blu-ray/DVD/Digital combo pack is pricey ($39.99; a better deal than the bare-bones DVD at 29.99) […]


This recap series has been dedicated to one thing, detailing the events leading up to last night’s episode. From the moment a television show takes off the conversation about the finale begins to dominate the headlines. We read into the subtext, the minutia, trying to glean any insight into what makes these people tick and […]