As time goes on, the houseguests in Big Brother seem to get wiser about needing to develop a strong alliance early on. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to learn one key lesson from their recent predecessors: alliances made in week one almost never last. Case in point: the all-girls alliance of DaVonne, Shelli, and Audrey. Second […]

Friday’s episode of the newly Emmy-nominated Disney channel appropriation of my formative childhood series was one of the show’s best thus far. The second season followed the first with almost no hiatus but the small break did give the producers time to listen to a few criticisms and sign a few key contracts. First, they’ve […]


Most of the memories I have of TV Land are watching it with my grandparents, because watching Bewitched and I Dream of Jeanie reruns was the safe option. TV Land is all grown up. Now they have new shows, like Impastor, a dark half hour comedy whose lead Buddy Dobbs is decidedly less grandparent friendly […]

OK. I just finished season three of Orange Is The New Black (“Don’t Make Me Come Back There” and “Trust No Bitch.”) and I have so many feelings. Will Stella come back? How could they do that to Sophia? So, first of all, Daya finally went into labor in “Don’t Make Me Come Back There.” […]

Episodes 8 through 11 of Orange is the New Black (“Fear, and Other Smells,” “Where my Dreidel At,” “A Tittin’ and a Hairin,’” and “We Can Be Heroes”) got intense. We saw backstories from Alex, Leanne, Pennsatucky, and Caputo. Leanne’s backstory was particularly interesting. We’ve seen her become more and more aggressive in the Norma […]

After such an amazing season last summer, it’s hard to be too excited about the return of Big Brother. With just five episodes under the belt, it’s still hard to be excited…but there’s some potential. Let’s breakdown all of this year’s twists before we dive into the houseguests. Back on premiere night, Julie promised a […]

Episodes three through seven (“Empathy is a Boner Killer,” “Finger in the Dyke,” Fake it Till you Fake it some More,” “Ching Chong Chang,” and “Tongue-Tied,”) saw some big changes at Litchfied. First of all we need to get Nicky’s horrible exit out of the way. During “Empathy is a Boner Killer,” we saw the […]

The first episode of this ABC summer series could be a lot stronger. The plot feels rushed and it’s hard to tell the wives- let alone their husbands- apart in the overwhelming sea of white people wearing pastel. That said, I trust showrunner Stephanie Savage implicitly when it comes to light but rewarding pulp TV […]