Episode three for a new season is a tough nut to crack. In season six of Game of Thrones, I told you that the third episode is where most TV shows hit a slump, a downturn in the action to focus on suspense-building and drama. But with hindsight, I can say that it only seems […]
Click Here to read all of our coverage from 2017 San Diego Comic-Con Welcome to our San Diego Comic-Con video series “Self-Reflection”! We asked a few of the cosplayers we encountered on the SDCC convention floor to review the latest instalment of the franchise they were representing with their costume. In the video below, you’ll […]
When it comes to second episodes of a new season of Game of Thrones, you don’t expect them to be over an hour in length. Of course, it needs to be close to an hour to accommodate the wealth of characters, the vistas, the exposition, but putting it over an hour is like dangling a […]
It’s Comic-Con Time Again! Managing Editor Kelly Bedard and Staff Writer Tom McGee are on the scene to bring you tons of coverage from the con floor, the panels, the press rooms, the screenings, the parties and more. Check back here for all our articles, videos and podcasts throughout the con. And make sure to […]
Many of the fans are asking questions of the new season of Game of Thrones. People want to know when the army of the dead will march on Eastwatch. They are curious about Ed Sheeran’s cameo in the premiere, and if he’ll be a recurring character in this season. A good number of viewers are […]
In a lot of ways, both for me as a reviewer and for this show that I cover, we end like we began. I started with a two-episode binge that at turns entranced and horrified me, and I end on a two-episode binge that left me agitated and exhilarated – just like June, who ends […]
Now we’re really in the thick of it with The Handmaid’s Tale — exploring the world of Gillead and building the desire to take it on down. This week’s episode will probably end up a favorite (sex clubs! Nick flashbacks! MOIRA!) even as upon first viewing it felt like a table-setting episode for Offred’s turn […]