Dear True Blood, I had no idea you read our blog! I’m so excited to see you’ve finally taken my advice. It was just over a week ago when I asked that you not spoil the ending of your cliffhangers through previews for next weeks episode. Just when I was about to stop the DVR […]

Danger in Dallas

After a 3 episode slump, True Blood is back to on the hot tamale train (don’t judge me…I’m far too excited for SYTYCD tonight). Everything is about to blow up in Louisiana and things aren’t looking to great down in Texas either. The entire season has been leading up to a confrontation between Sookie the […]

Hey HBO!

Hey there HBO execs,   I’m a patriot. I’m all for America. I spent the Fourth of July not one hundred feet away from the Liberty Bell and the steps that Sylvester Stallone famously ran up to train for his big comeback in Rocky, getting, I admit it, a little teary eyed as I heard […]

Truly Bloody

Last fall I started watching True Blood simply because I had a free month subscription to HBO. Every Sunday night I was accompanied by my 5 roommates as we were all oddly drawn into this ridiculous show. “Sookie is mine!” became a popular phrase in this apartment. Sadly, as the weeks progressed the roomies started […]