Jack Your Body A dance performance that makes me want to go out and get my boogie on always boasts the audience leaving with smiles plastered on their faces. The Mix-Mix Dance Collective certainly brought in a mixed crowd but gave universal satisfaction. An elderly couple in front of me at the show commented “Well […]

A burlesque show modeled on the Bible when it was all smite and terror and sex? Sounds like it can’t get much better than that. For me, the pleasure in watching burlesque is as much about enjoyment of dance and sexuality as it is watching the performers have an amazing time. There was no denying […]


Cats may just be the most-mocked musical in the history of the world. But it’s also one of my favourites. First of all, Andrew Lloyd-Webber, once upon a time, was a uniquely magical composer capable of creations that were both lastingly beautiful and bizarrely unique. His best work will always be, and has always been, […]

The reason I chose Chamber Magic as one of the few Luminato shows to review this year was that it promised to be simply enjoyable in a way that most of the over-lofty festival fare isn’t. I was totally down to sit in my mandatory cocktail attire and be amazed by some trickery and a […]


The final production of The National Ballet of Canada’s 2012/13 season is a mishmash of four seemingly unrelated short pieces wedged into two hours with two intermissions. I wouldn’t call any of the individual works masterpieces of any sort and the performances themselves are not the most memorable in National Ballet history but the assemblage […]

In North America for the first time as well as opening the first night of Toronto’s Luminato festival, The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic is a beautiful and strange marriage of opposites that might be lost on an audience distracted by their thirst for celebrity worship. The annual ten-day Canadian celebration of the performative […]

Comedy Bar mainstays Bad Dog Theatre are in the middle of a horror show. On purpose. They have one week left in their current episodic adventure, portraying Torontonian walkers and the people who run from them. The show is a good one with a strong cast including director Peter Stevens in a happily more substantial […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2012 My Theatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series.   The creator/writer/director (with Jonathan Langley) of one of the biggest theatrical undertaking in Toronto indie theatre last year, Karen Knox created the immersive world of Best Production nominee The Loyalists.   She joined our Nominee Interview […]