Be sure to check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and our Full Listing of SummerWorks 2014 reviews. New This Year: The My Theatre Favourite Discount  If your Fringe or SummerWorks show scores an A+ or A, you can cash in on that goodwill with a 50% discount on advertising your next show on My Entertainment World. If you scored […]


Be sure to check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and our Full Listing of SummerWorks 2014 reviews. New This Year: The My Theatre Favourite Discount  If your Fringe or SummerWorks show scores an A+ or A, you can cash in on that goodwill with a 50% discount on advertising your next show on My Entertainment World. If you scored an […]


Be sure to check out Part 1, Part 2 and our Full Listing of SummerWorks 2014 reviews. New This Year: The My Theatre Favourite Discount  If your Fringe or SummerWorks show scores an A+ or A, you can cash in on that goodwill with a 50% discount on advertising your next show on My Entertainment World. If you scored an A- […]


Be sure to check out Part 1, Part 3 and our Full Listing of SummerWorks 2014 reviews. New This Year: The My Theatre Favourite Discount If your Fringe or SummerWorks show scores an A+ or A, you can cash in on that goodwill with a 50% discount on advertising your next show on My Entertainment World. If you […]


Be sure to check out Part 2, Part 3 and our Full Listing of SummerWorks 2014 reviews. New This Year: The My Theatre Favourite Discount  If your Fringe or SummerWorks show scores an A+ or A, you can cash in on that goodwill with a 50% discount on advertising your next show on My Entertainment World. If you scored an A- […]


August is here, the weather in Toronto has finally started to catch up to the calendar, and the line outside Bang Bang refuses to die down; it’s officially time for SummerWorks. Made dramatically less awesome this year by the loss of the performance bar but revelling in the convenience and beauty of the new Theatre […]

The Tempest is one of Shakespeare’s most difficult plays to stage. The action is fairly simple and the characters generally pretty accessible but there’s magic, a monster, a spirit, multiple apparitions and a big on-stage storm. A big budget, a brilliant directorial brain or, ideally, both is required to pull it off without things looking […]

The New York Yankees have been a thorn in the side for the Toronto Blue Jay’s for quite some time. This past weekend the Jay’s overcame the drought with a 2-1 series. While just a mid season game, the team had even more cause to celebrate the hard-earned win. August 29, 2012 marked the start […]