Before we announce the winners of the 2017 MyEntWorld Critics’ Pick Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. It could be argued that no single playwright had a bigger impact on the 2017 Toronto indie theatre season than Michael Ross Albert. He has two plays nominated for Outstanding Production and together they […]
The latest production at the Storefront Theatre is a stop-and-go situation. There are long swaths where I struggled to stay engaged; meandering monologues from playwright Jason Maghanoy’s broad characters in a time and place surprisingly ill defined considering the seeming importance of time and place in Maghanoy’s underdeveloped story about an outlaw unsuccessfully hanged. It’s […]
The opening scene of writer/director Brandon Crone’s latest play Contempt features a great Louis CK routine in which he proclaims that the concept of “there’s someone for everyone” is bullshit. It’s a sad, true, maddening fact that provides an insightfully misleading frame for a story about sex surrogacy for the disabled. We begin with Tara (Khadijah […]
Dean Gabourie‘s sparse and tonally conflicted staging of Howard Barker’s The Castle seems to feature every actor you’ve ever seen at the Storefront. There’s the ever-reliable Sean Sullivan hamming it up as the builder Holiday and Brenhan Mc Kibben, enigmatic and steady as the sidekick-y Batter. The design team, the photographer, front of house and […]
In the forward to Melancholy Play, Sarah Ruhl, makes a plea to future producers of the show: “The audience knows the different between being talked to and talked at. Talk to them, please.” This phrase is in many ways the essence of Big Plans, the dark comedy by Jeremy Taylor, and directed by Kat Sandler. […]
Claudia Dey’s well lauded but suspiciously neat backwoods fairytale is an intriguing but flawed examination of co-dependence on its own but director Daniel Pagett does something directors rarely do with fairly new texts in the current production by new indie company Severely Jazzed Productions- he messes with it and, in doing so, he makes it […]