Has anyone seen a cuter couple since Ross and Rachel? Jim and Pam’s chemistry is one of the greatest things about the amazing sitcom that is The Office. Their kiss at the end of last season was breathtaking and an entire continent held their breath until its resolution this September. Though the writers decided not […]

Once upon a time there was a multitude of great television encapsulated into succinct 23 minute installments. This was when sitcoms ruled the airways… not in syndication. My TV obsession came in the age of FRIENDS, Will & Grace, Frasier, Sex and the City, That 70s Show and Seinfeld. These days there are only 3 […]


Welcome to My TV. Here you can find thoughts on the latest in TV, recommendations for shows and DVD purchases and anything else related to that little black box in your living room.   Let’s get started.   The past month has marked the beginning of a new year in television. Fox shows started over […]