I think it must be hard to have the guts to choose to produce The Glass Menagerie, given the recent success of American Repertory Theatre’s production* and that that production just garnered multiple Tony Award nominations. Personally, I would think that a small community theatre might want to steer entirely clear of it. Local audiences can’t […]
Before we announce the winners of the 2013 Boston My Theatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. NOTE: If you were nominated for a 2013 Boston My Theatre Award, and you would like to participate in our Nominee Interview Series, please email Brian at brian@myentertainmentworld.ca. Gorgeous and nerdy Jacqui Dupré […]
Before we announce the winners of the 2013 My Theatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. Contributing author Tessa and I have a favourite pastime of picking out emerging artists in undeservedly small roles on our annual trips to The Stratford Festival. A few years back, our top pick was an impossibly […]
We all have them. Those books or plays we battled in high school and despised for a plethora of reasons, some legitimate (with all due respect William Faulkner, punctuation is a useful writing tool that you should consider wielding) and some less so (dear Holden Caulfield, please stop being emo, thanks). Do not get me […]
I am not a Tennessee Williams fan. I just cannot appreciate his style or his place in the American theatre canon. Perhaps I think he’s a tad too fixated (as part of his times) on gender and sexuality binaries. That said, I knew that I had to catch Wax Wings Productions’ A Streetcar Named Desire. […]