Daredevil made his comic book debut in 1964. As with most superheroes that have been around that long, he’s gone through his fair share of being reinvented and reimagined. As times have changed, his supporting cast has also evolved. On April 10th, Netflix released their new 13-episode original series based on the characters created by […]
There’s something deeply satisfying about discovering a competent, innovative cover version of one of your favourite songs. I have a great deal of admiration for artists who not only re-record someone else’s tune, but reinvent it and put their own spin on it in a way that showcases just as much artistry as the source […]
I wish Agent Carter had come out some time last year, so when I say it’s one of the best new shows of the year, I don’t sound flippant. But since it is early January, let’s say Agent Carter sets the bar very high for the shows of 2015. Stylized, action-packed, humorous with a talented […]
The League of Assassins vs. Malcolm Merlin Nyssa is back to try and find Sarah, but Oliver tells her that she was killed. Nyssa knows that it was arrows that took her down, and it is Oliver’s mission to work with Nyssa to figure out who killed Sarah; she was in Starling City to track […]