As a film fan, it is one of the great pleasures in life to get to see the intersection of your favorite person producing entertainment and your favorite genre of entertainment. As a reviewer, it’s kind of hell. Fan girl gushing does not make for well reasoned, thoughtful pieces of criticism, and despite my over-reliance […]
Goodbye, 2011. Hello apocalypse. This past year in movies has felt a bit like a holding pattern, a space to get all contemplative and whimsical before the terror of 2012. Despite a few exceptions, it wasn’t a year in which tentpole summer films grabbed a majority of the spotlight (in fact, many of these failed, […]
Watching Captain America feels a whole lot like watching a so-so pilot episode for a TV show you really want to watch. In there are all the elements that you know you’re one day going to love (more on that later), but the actual substance of the episode seems more about putting the pieces in […]
I’m officially nervous. It was sitting in the back of my brain during the post-credits sequence of Captain America. And as I breathlessly indulged in comic-con coverage on entertainment websites, it just sat back there, percolating, bubbling up into my cerebellum. It brings unbidden images of middling box-office numbers, critical dismissal, and fan eruptions of […]
I have a theory. I like to call it the “panties of justice*” theory. It’s about what separates easily adapted superheroes from the ones who seem to struggle on their way to the multiplex. It’s basically the difference between Batman and Wonder Woman. Both are noble creatures with a complicated, fascinating backstory and great personal […]
Kelly recently reviewed the excellent Thor and in her review mentioned that I’m a bit of a superhero nerd. I actually think I’m the perfect amount superhero nerd: knowledgeable enough to enjoy the films and add a bit of depth to moments like Cyclops saying in the first X-Men, “What would you prefer, yellow spandex?” […]
Rachael is the superhero expert, I freely admit that. When it comes to genre knowledge, franchise history and source material familiarity- I’m not your girl, at least not when we’re talking Marvel vs. DC (or whatever it is we’re talking). But I’ve seen my fair share of hero movies. Like everyone, I’m a Batman fan […]
I am a comic book nerd, and a huge fan of movie adaptations of same, and yet the Thor movie (even with Kenneth Brannagh in the director’s chair and Kirk’s daddy playing the man himself) never really sparked my interest. But even my apathy couldn’t survive this surprisingly intriguing trailer, which manages to even make […]