Did a UFO really crash in the city of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947? Is it true that the Bermuda Triangle makes ships and planes disappear? Was the moon landing just a hoax? Whether or not you believe in some of these wacky theories, they all have evidence to show that they could actually be […]

Getting back together with your ex is one of the stupidest things you can do. We’ve all been there before. Possibly several times. It’s never something you’re proud of doing, but hopefully it’s something you can at least learn from. When you break up with someone, you’re on top of the world. You no longer […]

Either Greivis Vasquez hadn’t talked things over with his agent, or he just hadn’t listened. Days after the Toronto Raptors’ season-ending game-seven loss to the Brooklyn Nets in the Eastern Conference quarterfinals in early May, players sat down for their exit interviews with team management. After that, they were trotted out one by one to […]


If you were anything like me in high school, you had a bit of trouble getting dates. I was scrawny. I had acne. I lacked the confident, I-don’t-give-a-damn-what-you-think-of-me attitude I have today. And I had a terrible haircut. Acne and confidence issues are normal for adolescents, but there was absolutely no excuse for that haircut. […]

Like many devoted Formula One enthusiasts, I am immensely excited to see that the pinnacle of auto racing is making its return to the Red Bull Ring for the Austrian Grand Prix. For the first time since 2003, one of the shortest and fastest circuits on the 2014 calendar will play host to a race […]


As the story goes, in 1973, German bricklayer Rolf Schumacher built a racing kart using an old motorcycle engine and his pedal kart. His son Michael, at the age of four, promptly hopped in and crashed it head on into a lamp post. From that point onwards Michael Schumacher began racing proper karts on formal […]

Remember when Super Nintendo came out? I sure do. It was an unbelievable paradigm shift in gaming. Everything that I thought was great about the original Nintendo Entertainment System seemed like complete shit by comparison. The SNES was better in every way imaginable—the graphics, the sound, the controls. The fact that I could actually save […]


You’ll never make it. You know your dreams are unrealistic, right? It’s just a fantasy and you need to realize that most people will never be able to do what you want to do in life. You’re too small. You’re not athletic or talented enough to make it in the NFL. You don’t have the […]