Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews Bright Lights (A+) I’ve gone back and forth on what to say about this show for days now. I feel that all the review-style praise that there is to be heaped has already been heaped on this sold-out gem by recent Dora winner Kat […]

Click Here for the Full List of our 2015 Toronto Fringe Reviews Summerland (A+) In the shadow of Sheridan College’s massively buzzy immersive experiment Brantwood, I was expecting a charming also-ran kind of production when I heard about its fellow high school site-specific musical Summerland. Arriving early at Harbord Collegiate, young actors are everywhere, playing […]

I went to my first New Repertory show for a rather obscure song cycle musical, Closer Than Ever. I went into the show not really knowing what to expect from this little ditty. Described as a musical revue, Closer Than Ever unfolds in two acts of strictly musical treats, music by David Shire and lyrics […]

Be sure to check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and our Full Listing of SummerWorks 2014 reviews. New This Year: The My Theatre Favourite Discount  If your Fringe or SummerWorks show scores an A+ or A, you can cash in on that goodwill with a 50% discount on advertising your next show on My Entertainment World. If you scored […]

Angelwalk Theatre’s current production of the relationship song cycle I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change is a diverting and likable trifle of a show. It’s fun and good-natured with a user-friendly structure that easily hooks the attention span-challenged but leaves those of us who crave a good arc feeling a little short-shrifted since the […]