Be sure to check out our Full List of SummerWorks Reviews Soliloquy in English (A) Hidden away on the top of the Theatre Centre roof, 6 strangers read a book that artist Patrick Blenkarn compiled from interviews about the English language. What results is a wonderful performance art piece that is much theatre as it […]


Be sure to check out our Full List of SummerWorks Reviews Trophy (A-) Creators Sarah Conn and Allison O’Connor have brought to life an interactive installation piece centred around stories of struggle and change. The audience is split up and circulates through five tents, each of which holds a person waiting to tell us a […]


Quiche Dinner parties rarely go as planned onstage. Quiche tells the story of John and Jenny who are having Jo and Jake over for a quiet night in. But John has other plans for the evening. As the play progresses and it becomes obvious John is attracted to Jo, audiences can tell that nothing good will come […]

Be sure to check out our Full List of SummerWorks Reviews Depression is our generation’s plague. AIDS, tuberculosis, the actual (as in bubonic) plague, they’ve all cut down generations before us, but clinical depression, that’s what is attacking the great minds of right now. Millions at a time, it’s taking our thinkers, our emoters, our […]


Be sure to check out our Full List of SummerWorks Reviews No Fun (A-) No Fun is a collaborative rock/dance piece created and choreographed by Helen Simard. The show declares itself to be intense from the outset as one of the dancers moves through the line of people gathered to see the show, handing out earplugs. […]


Ya’akobi and Leidental  It starts out light, but ends on a rather depressing note. Ya’akobi, played by Daryl Green, is sick and tired of living a quaint life with his friend Leidental and so he decides to change things up. He wants to see the world and meet more people. He very quickly meets a […]

Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews Fire in the Meth Lab (A) The perfect balance of big comedy and serious reality, Jon Bennett’s play about his brother Tim is easily the best solo show I’ve seen all Fringe. An engaging storyteller who makes an immediate connection with his audience, Bennett […]

Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews Everything Else Is Sold Out (A) Dame Judy Dench– the five-person sketch troupe made up of Second City Conservatory alums Claire Farmer, Jessica Greco, Shannon Lahaie, Chris Leveille and Gavin Pounds- is one of those rare sure-bet comedy teams. Everything Else is Sold Out […]