Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews Kara Sevda (A) Kara Sevda appears at first glance to be a simple boy-meets-girl encounter, a cleverly written little rom-com full of aces quips from playwright Lisa VillaMil and charming performances by Kat Haan and Ross Somerville as two attractive young strangers (her American, […]

Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews Delirium (A) Martin Dockery’s storytelling style is almost manic; he speaks a mile a minute and moves about the stage with such restless energy that his few moments of stillness are shockingly poignant. In Delirium, he tells three stories (plus various stories-within-the-story) about love, […]

Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews 32 Short Sketches About Bees (A) This quirky collection of literally 32 short sketches about bees (with that definition expanded to include “B”, Bea”, “Be”, and various references to buzzing) comes from a sketch supergroup with a little bit of Bad Dog (La Grande […]

Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews Pillow Talk (B+) Admittedly my experience with sketch comedy is limited, but I really enjoyed this original show created by Adam Martignetti and sketch comedy duo The O.C. (Charlotte Cattell and Olivia Brodie-Dinsdale) about three people who just can’t get it right. All Second […]

Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews soaring through liquid skies (B+) Franco Nguyen’s one-man show about his childhood and his education about his mother’s personal struggle with leaving Vietnam for a new life with a neglectful husband is entirely charming. The performance is comprised of Nguyen’s narration, some action, and […]

Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews WILD/WALLED (A-) This dance piece created by Tracey Norman, Alison Daley, and the Half Second Echo company is a pure delight. The show explores the walls we throw up both in society and in our relationships, and the resulting conflicts, emotions, and expressions. The […]

Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews Self-Ish (B+) It says a lot about the strength of Diana Bang’s performance in this one-woman piece (and my shoddy pre-viewing research) that while I was watching it I assumed it to be an autobiographical work, pulled from the actor’s life. I have no […]

Be sure to check out our Full List of Fringe Reviews Grey (A) After the lights came back up at the end of Grey, I needed a moment to recover from the emotional wallop that this show packs.  As someone who loves moral ambiguity and stories about flawed characters, this is exactly my kind of play, […]