Before we announce the winners of the 2015 MyTheatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are often somewhat forgettable in Hamlet proper, saving their brilliance for Tom Stoppard’s wacky spinoff, but in Unit 102 Actor’s Company’s cinematic version of the play, Lauren Horejda’s fabulously snotty Rosencrantz appeared as a fully […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2015 MyTheatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. Winner of the 2013 Best Actor MyTheatre Award for his performance as Richard III, the always wonderful Alex McCooeye returns to the Nominee Interview Series to discuss the hilarious bed-ridden role in Soulpepper’s wacky Bedroom Farce that scored him […]

There’s something of a false hierarchical narrative around Shakespeare performance that suggests the grander the stage, the stronger the performer, the mecca that is the Stratford festival theatre serving as the (Canadian) pinnacle where only the best of the best are allowed to tread the boards. If you’re somehow unconvinced that this narrative is nonsense, […]


For the past three years, I’ve been ranking every film I see- just the new releases, from January 1st to December 31st. The rankings are subjective, based entirely on how much I enjoyed and/or connected with or appreciated the film rather than on some sort of objective artistic criteria. Basically, this is a list of […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2015 MyTheatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series.   Back in the Nominee Interview Series for the second year in a row for another standout comedic turn at the Shaw Festival, the brilliant Outstanding Supporting Actress nominee Jennifer Dzialoszynski takes us into the wacky world […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2015 MyTheatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series.   The reigning MyTheatre Honorary Award Winner, Nate Bitton took the stage combat skills that won him that award last year and used them to help score a nomination in an acting category this year. In Hart […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2015 MyTheatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. The inventive and thoughtful director behind Wolf Manor Theatre Collective’s dark and brutal take on the Scottish Play, Claren Grosz mined countless surprising moments from a text we weren’t sure could surprise us anymore. The Outstanding Direction nominee […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2015 MyTheatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. One of the definitive leading men in Canadian theatre at the moment, the prolific Evan Buliung has been a part of many of our favourite productions since MyTheatre first began. Under the guise of discussing his 2015 MyTheatre […]