“My plan for tonight is really just to hang out with as many guys as possible and to not go to any of my dark places”. The line between televised content and web content has never been more blurred. At a time when the big tv networks are scrambling for anything that resembles a hit, […]


Ross Petty’s annual holiday pantomime is an important tradition to keep alive in Toronto. There’s a depressing dearth of smartly produced kid-friendly theatre in this city and, at its best, Petty’s goofy fractured fairytale can be the clever centerpiece of a kid’s cultural year. They get to dress up, go to one of the city’s […]


Heads up, the first part of this article will be about Urinetown itself. I’ll tackle the production later on. Don’t take the opinions in the first part as a reflection of my feelings on the generally good Stageworks show. If you want to read only the review, it starts by the production photo so just […]

Christopher Buckley’s latest novel, They Eat Puppies, Don’t They?, is half brutal satire of Washington politics and half quirky/absurdist indie movie waiting to happen. And it’s even pretty funny. As a basic litmus test for whether you’ll like this book, think about Thank You For Smoking. If you liked it, great, this is very similar […]


Rick Miller’s wackado Macbeth retelling, currently masquerading as a fourth Shakespeare production at the Stratford Festival,  uses a comprehensive cast of voices from one of TV’s most successful crazy experiments, The Simpsons. When this silly one act was appearing at fringe and comedy festivals, or when it played at The Factory Theatre last September, it […]

All Republicans wake up thinking “You know what would be cool? To be in a rap video!”. You just know they do. Now, we here at My Entertainment World are supporters of Romney, or, at least we’re supporters of his generally sane-seeming bid for the right to lose to Obama in November (as opposed to […]

This is a weird little book. I picked Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk up on a whim, as I do with most books (I like a little chance involved in my life). Every once in a blue moon, I approach bookstores and libraries with a list, knowing exactly what I’m looking for, but, like, 98% of the […]