Hello, Fellow Social Isolators! Like you, we’re determined…

Hello, Fellow Social Isolators! Like you, we’re determined to do all we can to #FlattenTheCurve and limit this COVID-19 horror show as much as possible. We’re donating where we can, but mostly we’re staying out of the way, hauled up alone in our apartments riding it out so we don’t contribute to the spread of this thing. So that […]

About the Favourites Series: One of our favourite things is to listen…

With the help of some of the best and brightest Shakespeare fans in the world, we’re diving deep into 38 plays in 35 episodes (Henrys IV & VI only get one episode a piece; sorry, Bill). In every episode of The Shakespeare Series, I’ll be joined by a different guest (or guests) to discuss a different play in the […]

With the help of some of the best and brightest Shakespeare fans in the world…

About the Favourites Series: One of our favourite things is to listen to our favourite people talk about their favourite things. In this series, we’ll be inviting some awesome guest contributors to talk to or about their favourite people in art and entertainment. We hope you love it as much as our guests love the […]

Welcome to the first episode of our brand new Favourites Series! …

With the help of some of the best and brightest Shakespeare fans in the world, we’re diving deep into 38 plays in 35 episodes (Henrys IV & VI only get one episode a piece; sorry, Bill). In every episode of The Shakespeare Series, I’ll be joined by a different guest (or guests) to discuss a different play in the […]