My Top and Bottom Chefs

4 weeks in, the Top Chef contestants stand as follows in my books: The Best Kevin Michael V Bryan (the brothers are killing it this season-they’re sure to face off in the finale) The Worst Michael I Jen (amazing chef, cannot stand her- also, the only really notable woman) Ashley The Others Eli & Ash […]


In honour of fathers’ day tomorrow I thought it fitting to honour the best dads on TV. From the knowledgeable caregivers you looked up to as a kid to the flawed and well-intentioned patriarchs of a more current television landscape, these are the men who’s fatherly devotion really made an impression. 1. Keith Mars – […]

2 Views on the Best of the Best

  A few months ago, TV sites around the internet were posting lists of their favourite moments and episodes from arguably the greatest series of all time, The West Wing. So, as one of the series’ biggest fans, I thought it’d be fun to not only make my list but to ask the other West […]

Stealing My Heart on TV This Week

The titular Chuck, Tara’s sweetly understanding husband, a softspoken Dillon Panther. Time for another picture list.


 It’s that time of year again. Flower prices are skyrocketing, restaurant reservations are hard to come by, jewelry stores are bustling and all around North America people are wishing that life were as romantic as their TV. So in honour of this most auspicious holiday, that of St. Valentine, I thought I’d revisit the issue […]

Every show, even the terrible ones, has at least one character who’s worth your time. Whether they’re the only one to make you laugh, the only one who’s remotely sane or the only one who you can relate to, they make the show worth watching. So here’s to the characters that have managed to shine […]


Now that 2009 is here I think it’s time to look back at what’s been accomplished in 2008 and forward to what I’m hoping to achieve in the new year. In 2008 I caught up on, rewatched or enjoyed the whole of: – Angel – Firefly – Sex and the City – Dexter (seasons 1 […]

Kelly’s 50 Favourite People on TV in 2008

50. Michael Cassidy (Charlie Hogan, Privileged) 49. Padma Lakshmi (Host/Judge, Top Chef) 48. Chi McBride (Emerson Cod, Pushing Daisies) 47. Nick Spangler (Winner, The Amazing Race) 46. Jason Segal (Marshall Erikson, How I Met Your Mother) 45. Tabitha & Napoleon D’Umo (Judges/Choreographers, So You Think You Can Dance) 44. James Spader (Alan Shore, Boston Legal) […]