Nothing says over-reaching pretension quite like a top 5 list of my all-time favorite movies, right? First of all, I’ve likely seen about 2,893 movies in my lifetime, so to attempt to make a list of five out of this grouping is a bit ludicrous. Then, for me to have the vanity to think that […]


I have a strange relationship with music. I am not exactly sure if ‘strange’ is even the right word. ‘Peculiar’ may be more appropriate.  Anyways, I find that I can only listen to certain artists during certain times of the year. I could never listen to, say, fuzzy, sun-soaked artists like Harlem or Craft Spells […]

Manti Te’o is the latest athlete to be outed as a creative deviant, clutching onto the childhood convention of imaginary friends long past its accepted expiration date, but he is by no means the first to have such a fantastic crutch. It is a long tradition for the most stressed, expended minds to swing towards […]

Okay, so I know I haven’t really reviewed that many kids books here before, but I get asked (by relatives, by children, by parents of children) for recommendations for kid’s books ALL THE TIME!!! And I mean, I will not tell a lie, I ADORE telling people what to read—you know, sharing books that I […]

Generally speaking, I’m not very good at serials. I don’t watch TV when it airs (people watch things weekly?! How????), I always end up marathoning whole seasons in great swaths, or abandoning series partway through. For example, I have not finished either Battlestar Galactica OR Friday Night Lights yet. I love both of them, I’m […]

You may well have guessed that I like graphic novels/graphic story-telling in general (there may have been a few hints: comic con, for example). You’re right! A+ for you! I could give you a whole little essay about why—it would be kind of long though, and have lots to do with visual literacy, language as […]

Okay, in the second (third? I guess it depends on how you count) installment of Borah’s Best of 2012, we have two categories. Think of it as a double feature. 1) Books That Don’t Let Go This is erroneously named. Only one book really needed to be here. But it did, indeed, need to be […]

This is pretty much straightforward. I read a lot of books this year, and a huge proportion of those books were fiction. Sometimes realistic, some fantasy, some sci-fi, and some historical—but, in any case, a lot of fiction. These are—in no true order—my top five fiction picks of the year. The Dog Stars, by Peter […]