The imaginary beasts are back this January with their seasonal Winter Panto. This year they present the story of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the well-loved classic by L. Frank Baum, and proceed to shake it up in true panto style. References to Beyoncé, State Farm Insurance, and Hamilton bubble easily to the surface, as […]

Where do I begin in describing how much fun I had at Kerplop! The Tale of the Frog Prince? I suppose at the beginning, with a description of a traditional panto for those not in the know. A pantomime in this context is a UK theatrical tradition based on staging well-known fairy tales in an […]

In the program notes of Knock! The Daniil Kharms Project, directed by Matthew Woods, dramaturg Matthew McMahan describes how the writings of Daniil Kharms were rescued by a friend, writer Iakov Druskin, from the bombed building the playwright lodged in; Druskin placed the “scattered remains…in a briefcase, and kept them hidden for decades.” A few […]

imaginary beasts offers some of the best ensemble work in Boston. Under the smart guidance of veteran Director Matthew Woods and the extremely capable Stage Manager Deidre Benson, imaginary beasts consistently offer quality entertainment at the Boston fringe level. Molière’s Lovers’ Quarrels is both a logical and puzzling choice for the company. The theatre company […]


I tried in vain to find a common theme for these April “Must See” productions. We have fantastical elements and commentaries on sexual politics; epic plays and comedic classics; fringe and university productions. Yes, this month, we truly have something for everyone. What stood out for me, however, is that Boston theatre companies seem to […]