Happier News in the Buffyverse

My favourite famous couple had a baby! Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof (Willow and Wesley in Buffy/Angel)’s first child, a daughter named Satyana Denisof, was born on March 24th, her mother’s birthday, in LA. After meeting on the set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1999, the couple was married in 2003 and serve as godparents […]

Oh yes, The Two-Handed Zamboni

I absolutely loved this week’s How I Met Your Mother. Not only was the A story, with Barney and Marshall protecting Ted’s feelings by convincing him that he still had a job, really sweet (if a little repetitive of previous storylines, hello 4th character to go through unemployment in 3 years!) but the B story […]

Lily Can Handle the Truth

How I Met Your Mother hit another one out of the park this week with an episode that was both funny and incredibly touching. There were some hilarious moments, such as Lily’s fantasy version of bridge, Robin’s excitement that her friends were watching her show and Lily’s “you can’t handle the truth” speech. And the […]

I want to eat your brain but only if it’s organic and grassfed

Last week, inspired by the sort of nostalgia that leads Ted to tell the story to his kids in the first place, I was all sorts of easy on How I Met Your Mother. I enjoyed it the same way you enjoy seeing old friends after a long time apart.   This week, with “Sorry, […]

Barney Stinson, Committed

Oh How I Met Your Mother. I missed you.   It’s not that this week’s episode, “The Stinsons”, was one of my all time favorites. The plot was a bit outlandish for my taste. It featured Barney making up an entire family in order to keep his mom (Frances Conroy, from Six Feet Under) happy. […]


 It’s that time of year again. Flower prices are skyrocketing, restaurant reservations are hard to come by, jewelry stores are bustling and all around North America people are wishing that life were as romantic as their TV. So in honour of this most auspicious holiday, that of St. Valentine, I thought I’d revisit the issue […]

Barrell Full of “Meh”

Each week, my two most hotly anticipated shows vary. But this week, after two weeks off, they were 100% Gossip Girl and How I Met Your Mother.   Both of which had pretty “meh” episodes, with sprinklings of the brilliance we normally see.   Gossip Girl this week told us the tale of Blair’s seemingly-apocalyptic […]


(whom? who?… ?) In the latest How I Met Your Mother casting news, Six Feet Under matriarch Francis Conroy has signed on to play the mother of the infamous Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris). The part was originally voiced off-camera by Megan Mullally (Will & Grace) in flashbacks that explained why Barney believes that Bob […]