Twenty hours into this epic, with enough corpses and orgies to make Achilles blush, we, as an audience, seem to still be closer to the beginning than the end. Seasons are moving along like a blind tortoise as characters are still separated by oceans and ego. While this may seem unappealing, it is in fact […]

After last week’s (sadly unreviewed by me) action battle awesomefest, I spent most of this week’s Game of Thrones wanting to hug the characters. Maybe that’s not the right reaction to have to characters so completely embroiled in the Game of Thrones, but tell me you didn’t get a bit teary eyed watching Tyrion come […]


Last night’s Game of Thrones focused a lot on a character who I think gets thoroughly shafted in the books*: Robb Stark. Since he’s not a point of view character, we rarely really invest in Ned’s heir, even as he’s heralded as the great hope of the North and the only real option for the […]

Sometimes writing weekly about a show whose every major plot point I know in advanced is difficult. This week is one of those times. There are certain developments that I don’t want to even touch, for fear that I might spoiler-ify those of you choosing to go the all-TV route. So if it seems like […]

This episode was almost entirely invented. It all works, obviously, within the confines of the book, but I found the fact that most of it was made up for the TV show distracting throughout. Which is absurd, since all of Game of Thrones was made up (that’s what fiction is, Nisenkier), but there you go. […]


For the first few episodes of their second season, Game of Thrones focused on one unifying theme to help bring their episodes cohesion. The last two, however, were pulled together much more chronologically. As such, they featured way more of the characters we know and love and way more of the expensive locations that really […]

What exactly terrorizes Westeros? Tonight’s episode focused on this question. I was kind of dreading tonight’s episode of Game Of Thrones, “Garden of Bones.” Like most weeks, I was excited to watch the show, but I knew that sooner or later an episode would end exactly how this one did: with Melisandre stripping down naked […]

This week’s episode of Game of Thrones is obsessed with the question of power. Saying that is kind of the equivalent of saying “this week’s Game of Thrones has a lot of boobs in it.” It’s true, of course, but it’s also true every week. This week, however, the question of power rises to new, […]