At one point during the pilot episode of Netflix’s newest series, Marco Polo, Marco’s father shares a nugget of wisdom. Niccolò Polo, a seasoned merchant and traveler, tells Marco the key to surviving long journeys is knowing where home is, and knowing that you can always go back. Marco Polo should take a bit of […]

We’ve made it through another season. Or not, if you’re name is (SPOILERS) Oberyn Martel, The Hound, Tywin, Shae, The Mountain (probably), Jojen, Joffrey, or probably more whom I’m simply forgetting in the red-tinted madness. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. To be honest, I didn’t know how this season was going to […]

It’s been awhile since I’ve written my thoughts about Game of Thrones Season 4. But I was compelled to touch base now, after the action packed 8th episode, to say: bravo showrunners. After the premiere, I wondered how a show like this moves forward from the Red Wedding. Despite a few missteps (hello, unnecessary rape […]

In the second instalment of a just now conceived three-part examination of HBO Sunday – the most juggernaut line-up since Must-See-TV NBC Thursday contained Friends, Seinfeld and George Clooney ER – allow me to bite off a little more than I should chew. During the hour and a half that precedes Silicon Valley, which continues […]

I decided to wait a week before commenting on the episode of Game of Thrones that will probably live forever as “That One With The Unnecessary Rape Scene.” For fans of the book, in particular, the showrunner’s decision to have Jamie rape his sister next to the dead body of his son seems misguided at […]

A lot of coverage of last night’s episode of Game of Thrones (and a very necessary SPOILER ALERT just in case you haven’t watched it) is going to focus on that ending. There will be a lot of punning about why men should be very afraid to get married in the world of Westeros. There […]


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Continuing to be untraditional, the season three finale of Game of Thrones didn’t wrap up any stories, nor did it end with any type of shocking realization like the first two seasons finales. In this season, the Red Wedding was the shocking moment and the finale was more like a collection of previews involving each […]