It’s time, once again, for the On DVD series featuring new releases from Paramount Home Distribution and Elevation Pictures. Only, this time, there are enough great things to talk about that we’re splitting our coverage between TV and Film releases. These are the new films available on DVD from Paramount & Elevation. Click Here to read about […]


I’m as surprised as the next person to write the following sentence – I think Neighbors 2 might turn out to be my favorite movie of the year. Now hear me out. I never even saw 2011’s Neighbors, starring a frat boy Zac Efron and married marauders Rose Byrne & Seth Rogan. In fact, I kind […]

What an odd, delightful treat this movie proved to be. Under-promoted to the point of near obscurity despite a name-packed cast, this Michael Showalter dramedy sneaks up on you. There are multiple moments along the way when you might want to declare the film too weird, too improbable, too kitschy to be deserving of attention […]

The Jungle Book is probably the most out and out successful of the recent string of “Let’s Remake A Classic Disney Movie to Try and Wring More Money Out Of It” films. Which isn’t meant as a knock against it (I’m all for commercial concerns leading to creative success! I love Marvel Movies) but a lot […]

It is easy to become cynical about the state of modern movie making – to focus on the role that international sales (mostly to China) and established franchises play in making a movie profitable and to assume, as it can be easy to assume, that this means the death of art. But movie making has […]


Tina Fey’s film about an Afghanistan war correspondent isn’t strictly a comedy but I wouldn’t call it a dark comedy (where the comedy comes from the darkness) or a dramedy (where the parts that are comedic are more subtle) either. It’s pretty obviously a comedy- act one plays out like a grownup, transplanted How to […]


The best thing about John Carney’s latest musically saturated film is the music itself (some classics like Duran Duran plus quite a few originals). The plot is fairly tired (teenage misfits start a band to impress a girl) and the characters fairly conventional (troubled bad girl, disillusioned big brother) but the music, boy, the music […]

I went to see How to Be Single by myself. I do a lot of things by myself but, specifically, going to the movies by myself is an unwavering preference, even if I have someone to go with. It means I can see whatever I want at whatever time I want (I usually just wander […]