I thought a lot about the lighter side of male privilege while watching Obvious Child. As a woman obsessed with social justice (especially the particular form of social justice that populates opinion pieces on sites like Jezebel and HuffPost), I spend a lot of time thinking about privilege and it’s dark implications. This is not […]

Million Dollar Arm isn’t really a movie smart, discerning people are supposed to love. It’s Disney live-action feel-good goofiness starring a beloved actor who’s being paid exorbitant amounts of money to put his good name on a silly piece of fluff (the actual acting required- at least from Jon Hamm- is minimal). But I liked […]


Sometimes, a gal likes a good sob. It’s not all the time. I’m not really a Terms of Endearment kind of gal. The thing is, my tears (like my laughs or my smiles or my shrieks of horror) come easy. Often. Occasionally brought on by a particularly pretty melody in a car commercial. So opening […]

I’m pretty sure that most people going into a film about a “haunted” mirror would assume that it would be relatively silly and full of reflection-based scares. If we were talking about Mirrors or its sequel, you would be entirely correct. In the case of Oculus however, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Following […]

Editor’s Note: Our most useless staff writer by far is the delightful and clever Zachary Adler, who has literally never submitted a single article. The reason we put up with him is that he is so very delightful and clever that when (if?) he ever does write a proper article, we’re very much looking forward […]

Admittedly, I was overly worried going into this film. Thanks to some unflattering trailers, I actually avoided this film for a few weeks. The truth is that the original Rocky and Bullwinkle series is one of my favourite shows, and I was fairly certain that this movie was probably going to offend the fanboy in […]

I saw 90 movies in 2013… if you’ve read any of the previous 9 entries in this Cinematic 2013 series (which you absolutely should have), you’ve heard this whole spiel already. Read #80-90, #70-79, #60-69, #50-59, #40-49, #30-39,  #20-29, #11-19 and The Top Ten. After 90, I figured “that should pretty well cover it” and finalized my rankings. I shouldn’t have. Now, springtime […]

I saw 90 movies in 2013 (or shortly thereafter, if we’re being honest- I don’t know how anyone is expected to see all the Christmas releases in one week!). 90 is a lot of movies, or at least it is for me (I head up My Theatre and My TV, My Cinema is Rachael’s problem). […]