This dance-opera conceived and designed by co-directors Michael Greyeyes and Yvette Nolan and librettist Spy Denommé-Welch investigates the emotional history and contemporary cultural significance of Canada’s residential school system. The production itself is multi-faceted, combining orchestral music, a choir, opera, and modern dance. The story divides into three movements: in the first, the dancers enter […]

This year marks the first year of the Syracuse Contemporary Irish Film Festival, and closing out the festival is a charming and moving film by Alex Fegan called, Older than Ireland. In 2016, Ireland celebrated their 100th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising, which led to Irish independence from Great Britain. To commemorate the occasion, […]


Once a year, the Toronto Reference Library transforms into comics nirvana – and despite my love of graphic novels and comics, I’d never been. The Toronto Comic Arts Festival is one of those many events I’d managed to never quite get to and having spent a couple days wandering the fest this year, I can’t […]

Click Here to read Part I of our Ten-Minute Play Festival coverage The White show and Black Show are a two parts of the four-part series in InspiraTO festival’s ten-minute play festival, the largest ten-minute play festival in Canada. Indeed, there is something really unique about writing a well-rounded narrative in ten minutes. I had […]

Click Here to read Part II of our Ten-Minute Play Festival coverage An InspiraTO Festival show is tapas theatre- six plays that are each ten minutes long in the course of an hour. It functions as a teaser, an amuse-bouche, as to what a playwright can offer. The selection committee for this year’s festival reviewed […]

The final offering of the Canadian Stage Spotlight Festival: Australia was The Return by Circa, a genre-defying combination of cirque and opera. The stage is shared equally between the circus artists and the live chamber ensemble, with the former occupying stage right, and the latter stage left. An imposing black wall spans the width of […]


This year’s International HotDocs Festival in Toronto, is made up of eclectic array of documentaries divided into different categories. Part of the collection this year is an emphasis on the Asian perspective with docs like Tokyo Idols, Still Tomorrow and Ramen Heads. Other documentaries explore niche subcultures in society like, Mermaids and Shiners. However the […]

Meeting by Antony Hamilton and Alisdair Macindoe Sharing the space with 64 custom designed (Macindoe)…