Virtual Stage’s Broken Sex Doll, which opened this past Friday with Magnectic North in Halifax, was a little bit like a bad one-night stand: awkward, no heart, and way too long. Sure, the one-night stand sometimes looks good. They can sometimes even dance and sing real good. But when you get right down to the […]

Nothing epitomizes the “geek” culture like comic books. In recent years, Hollywood has revitalized the big screen comic book hero to capitalize on the rise of “geek chic” in America. Don’t believe me? During the last ten years, four of the highest grossing domestic movies have been based on comic books. I have a confession: […]


“What I love about dogs,” Denise Clarke mummers as she begins imitating a dog’s slow building tail-wag, “is that they can’t hide their emotions.” Despite the audience’s noticeable lack of tails, we all had trouble hiding our gleeful experience of wag, which opened this past Thursday as part of the Magnetic North Theatre Festival in […]

Relationships are tough. Relationships between self-involved, overly-dramatic young people who are on the brink of presumably life-changing success are downright treacherous. That does not mean they are not worth plunging into heart first. Most fleeting relationships are soon forgotten, minor mountains to be conquered and left behind, but there are some romances that leave an […]


Cineastas I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this Spanish-language exploration of the lives of filmmakers but what I found was a profoundly moving and wonderfully inventive piece of ensemble theatre. The cast was extraordinary in their versatility and emotional depth (Javier Lorenzo in particular pulled at my heartstrings in multiple roles) while the […]


Please excuse the vulgarity of this review’s title; Kat Sandler‘s immersive dialogue has a tendency to catch on and affect my vocabulary for a few hours after I leave the theatre. The upsetting news is that, having just taken in her thrilling new work about three rough-edged foster brothers looking to break into the cockfighting […]

A few years ago, I heard a knock on my door and wavered about answering it. It was almost eight in the morning, and I should have been out the door and on my way to work already. I had stopped only to sweep my incredibly dusty hallway before hurrying to catch the 66 bus. […]


Canadian Stage’s Intermission is a new immersive event series inspired by the current programming of the company. Vol. I drew on Robert Lepage’s hit from last season, Needles and Opium, and the upcoming multi-media piece Helen Lawrence, using music and media to suggest the underground art scene of the 50s and 60s. The series seems […]