Letter To Larry has the advantage of being a play that one cannot reasonably turn away from. It does this by its dialectics—past and present; stage and life; mania and depression—to the effect that the audience is engrossed and rarely numbed by the terrible sadness of it all. This balance is clearly a troublesome one […]


Click Here for our full coverage of the 2015 SummerWorks Festival. Upon the Fragile Shore (B+) Upon The Fragile Shore explores a number of human tragedies, from the Boston Marathon Bombing to the struggles in Syria. The strength the showis in its performers: a virtuosic, talented group that exemplify what can be done with movement, […]

I hate to sound like a stereotypical foreigner, but when you are culturally bred to worship only baseball and fútbol, it’s difficult to see what Americans love so much about their own definition of “football,” their famously (or infamously) intoxicating game of equal parts grace and violence. Watching Company One’s production of Colossal, by Andrew […]

Click Here for our full coverage of the 2015 SummerWorks Festival. That Syncing Feeling (A) This interactive event is really two pieces tied together by your cell phone. The first, “Tethered Together” is a celebration of communication and intimacy as participants are guided into an anonymous confessional conversation with another audience member via text message. […]


The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt was the last production I saw this year at the Shaw Festival (I’m reviewing out of order because this simply couldn’t wait). Before I saw this world premiere (four years in the making by Quebec playwright Michel Marc Bouchard and translator Linda Gaboriau), I was already considering the […]

After finding my way through the thick black curtain that marked the entrance to the Array Space theatre, I found myself in a beautiful, intimate world. A long dining table covered in academic books stood at the center of the candle-lit room. Smaller chairs and tables peppered the walls. A small bar stood in the […]

Get lost down the rabbit hole, immerse yourself in the madness and enter the freakishly wonderful world of Alice. Hidden away in the Waterloo Vaults, a beautiful and unique experience has been created as Les Enfants Terribles explore Lewis Carroll’s timeless novel. Alice’s Adventures Underground is an interactive theatrical piece consisting of a maze of […]


The Iris Theatre’s Pinocchio is a show for children. That does not necessarily preclude an adult from enjoying it, but the adult in question will have to find the childish part of their brain (as long as it still exists). Pinocchio is a kid’s show because it is not layered: it does not entertain both […]