“The thing about Batman is that it always goes on, and that’s the thing I love about these characters… When I’m dead and moldering there will still be Batman.” -Grant Morrison In August 2009, four years and an entire universe ago, I bought my first Batman monthly comic. It was Batman And Robin #1 by […]
In 1939, the fledgling comic book company Detective Comics released the 27th issue of their self-titled series, and introduced Batman to the world. Seventy-five years later, Batman is still here, with a few changes along the way. If you are a fan of the comic books, you’ve probably heard of DC Comics’ New 52 initiative. If […]
New York Comic Con can feel like something of a circus. It’s loud and crowded with a whole lot of visual stimulus. So in the midst of the spectacular promotional efforts on the show floor (there were cars, and arcades, basically), it’s nice to remember the little quiet booths where people promoted real-life heroics. Some […]
NYCC is primarily a Culture Con, but it does definitely have some aspects of a professional convention. On Thursday, Oct 11, the first few hours of the Con were reserved for Pros (comic book creators, sellers, and other professionals, like teachers, using comic books in a creative way). But NYCC’s commitment to comic book professionals […]
As I’ve mentioned before, NYCC had panels on just about everything. But one of the more prominent topics, covered in a variety of panels, was definitely the issue of misogyny in comics. Yes, there are ladies in comics. However, most of the major comic book characters are still male, and quite a few different parties have accused […]
I’ve touched on this a little before, but it bears repeating. While historically, Comic Cons were mainly a method for learning more about the comic book industry and acquiring rare or vintage editions of things, recently they’ve become more of a vehicle for publicity—particularly sneak peeks at things and grand unveilings. Here’s a little bit […]
If you’re a fan of stuff (and not agoraphobic), you should consider going to a Con. If you’re interested in selling, writing, illustrating, or otherwise creating comics, you should definitely go to a Comic Con, they’re an invaluable source of information and networking opportunities. And if you’re in New York next October, NYCC is pretty […]