Before we announce the winners of the 2014 My Theatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. Once again, Dark Matter. We loved Circlesnake’s funny, weird, devastating parable so much that over the course of this series we’re interviewing every single member of its cast (in all fairness, there were only four of them) […]

Warning: Extreme negativity ahead. Why don’t you read Rachael’s piece about all the Friends Thanksgiving episodes instead? Tapestry Briefs: Booster Shots (Tapestry) Conceptually, this evening of short opera scenes tied together with corresponding shots of curated liquors was a brilliant idea. How do you battle every simplistic but not altogether unfounded accusation of “long, boring, old, […]

I’m always curious when people choose to adapt a work from another source. I wonder what they’ll choose to highlight from the original work, or what theme they’ll decide to expand upon. I love adaptations for this reason. But even after much thought and reflection, I’m still not sure why Andrew Barbato chose to adapt […]

While Part I of Death Comes to Pemberley was a suspenseful thriller that had characters who were not necessarily defined, Sunday’s finale had the opposite problem. It delved into many of its characters, given them some more dimension, but the crime portion of the show fell short. The result is an enjoyable, if uneven series. […]

Taking the beloved character of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice a few years after the events of the novel and thrusting them in the middle of a scandal, this mini-series adaptation of PD James’ novel Death Comes to Pemberley is a delightful, suspenseful blend of a period drama and a good old-fashioned murder mystery. One of the nice things […]

The BBC has a long history of its ‘family drama’ series. These series are shows that are meant to entertain the entire family. Doctor Who is the most famous and successful of these. There was also Robin Hood, which despite its faults gave us a brooding Richard Armitage clad in black leather and guyliner. There […]

You may or may not have read my I-Hate-Mr.-Darcy-Books rant. If you did, bully for you. If you didn’t, you can catch up here. As the moniker I’ve given it implies, I do not like Mr. Darcy books. At all. For various reasons, but mostly because they’re not really very good. Anyway, we’ve been down […]


Okay. So I went to the bookstore recently, and I was just browsing around the bookstore, looking for something new and exciting to read, like I do, and I noticed something disturbing. The ubiquity of Mr. Darcy fan-service books. Published books, being sold in the bookstores, about Mr. Darcy and how he’s such a stunner, […]