I can now with confidence say that I like Peter Capaldi’s Doctor. A lot. In last week’s ‘Deep Breath’, Capaldi wasn’t given a huge opportunity to show us what his Doctor is made of, since his Doctor didn’t come into his own until the very end of the episode. This week, Capaldi delivered a strong […]


I came late to the bandwagon when it comes to Orphan Black. It took a long summer and a persistent roommate to get me to finally dive into a series that my cooler (and Canadian) friends had been begging me to watch for years. Here’s the basic premise, although if you haven’t seen the show […]


The premiere of Doctor Who’s eighth season was aptly named ‘Deep Breath’, because you will have to take multiple in order to calm down and not be annoyed at the bizarre plot, tired repetitions and frankly squandered opportunity. Peter Capaldi’s debut as the Twelfth Doctor should have been an absolute triumph, and he deserved a […]

The BBC has a long history of its ‘family drama’ series. These series are shows that are meant to entertain the entire family. Doctor Who is the most famous and successful of these. There was also Robin Hood, which despite its faults gave us a brooding Richard Armitage clad in black leather and guyliner. There […]


Steven Moffat is the showrunner of two of Britain’s most known shows: Doctor Who, and Sherlock. A few years ago, Steven Moffat said, “The Doctor is like an angel aspiring to be human, and Sherlock is a man aspiring to be a god.” At the time, I thought that was an apt quote to describe […]


‘The Sign of Three’ was a light, but perfectly enjoyable episode of Sherlock. It took a break from the darker arcs the show has been pursuing of late, and delivered a fun adventure instead. Thinking about it, since the end of Season 1, there has been a Moriarty shaped shadow hanging over the show. The […]

The “Day of the Doctor” has finally arrived. As a standalone episode, it was fantastic. As a celebration of the past 50 years of the show? …it could have done better. The 50th anniversary special was one of the best episodes the show has had in a long time. The pacing was great; it featured […]

If you’ve been following our coverage leading up to the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary (which you should be; catch Parts I, II, III and IV now), you might have noticed a lack of Classic Who. This wasn’t intended as a slight against the earlier episodes; it wasn’t included because I am fairly new to Classic […]