Before we announce the winners of the 2013 My Theatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series.   Shakespeare Bash’d Artistic Director James Wallis is nominated for his second My Theatre Award in a row for playing one of Shakespeare’s great comedic leading men at the Toronto Fringe Festival. This time around the Best […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2013 Boston My Theatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. NOTE: If you were nominated for a 2013 Boston My Theatre Award, and you would like to participate in our Nominee Interview Series, please email Brian at Young and dynamic actress Santina Umbach […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2013 My Theatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. NOTE: If you were nominated for a 2013 Boston My Theatre Award, and you would like to participate in our Nominee Interview Series, please email Brian at High school student and accomplished musical theatre […]

Another year, another Award Nominee Interview Series. We love this time of year because we get to celebrate the work of so many amazing artists AND we get to grill them about everything from their backstory to their process to behind-the-scenes gossip (okay, so we rarely ask that last one outright, but we sometimes get […]

2012 was one of those years where almost all of our favourite movies were small independent productions that, come awards season, got very little mainstream love. 2013 was not. 2013 was the sort of year where we had to choose between two standout Leonardo DiCaprio performances to put in our Best Actor category. The directors […]


For the 7th(!) year in a row, it is now time for the annual My TV Award nominations. It’s been an interesting year in TV with the end of a whole slew of iconic shows (The Office, 30 Rock, Breaking Bad, even Gossip Girl) and a hit-or-miss group of network replacements (oh, Michael J Fox […]

For the first time ever, we’ve divided our annual My Theatre Awards into three parts. Each division (Boston, New York, and Toronto) now has their own set of nominations and their own set of winners. In the case of Boston and Toronto, they also have their own Awards Ceremony to celebrate the awesomeness that was […]

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our first ever New York My Theatre Awards! Our trusty head NYC writer Theresa has compiled a list of the best and the brightest seen by any of our staff in New York between January 1 and December 31, 2013. Vote for your favorites in the comments section below, via Twitter, on Facebook, […]