I’ll keep this brief, there’s not actually a lot to say about this film. The coolest thing about Salt is that the lead role was originally written for Tom Cruise and then tweaked to fit Angelina Jolie. The fact that a skinny chick like Jolie is in practice a hundred times more badass than Hollywood’s […]

But what the hell does it all mean? SPOILER WARNING. I purposefully left my review vague, so you could read it without having seen the movie. No such promises will be made here> It’s understandable if you’re left scratching your head at the end of Inception. I think you’re meant to be. Nolan and co. […]


I think that in talking about Inception, you can do one of two things. First, you can analyze what the film means – what was Nolan saying, what does his world consist of, does it make sense? Second, you can actually talk about whether or not it was a good movie. I’m not saying the […]


Tom Cruise is very good at stunts. He runs fast, shoots well, can dangle from a building, throw himself into things and generally leap and fling about heroically. He’s also charming, can hold the camera’s focus and deliver a line effectively. He’s quirky, can play interesting characters and instantly earns the audience’s trust, even if […]


Hi Movie Fans,  Welcome to My Entertainment World’s newest site: My Cinema. Here we’ll be discussing our thoughts on current and classic cinema, sharing movie news and actor profiles. To kick off the site, here’s a list of films currently in theatres that are worth the watch, or completely skippable:  DEFINITELY GO SEE: Toy Story […]