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really really funny. nice turnaround of classic trapped in a room episodes like Marshall and Lily in the bathroom waiting for Ted and Victoria to move to the bedroom in season 1 and four of the FRIENDS trapped in the bedroom while Ross and Rachel have their massive “we were on a break” breakup fight. […]

Kid Nation part 3

This show is soooo entertaining!!!   #1) Taylor desperately needs to be impeached and replaced with Zach. I feel like they purposely put her on the council to contrast the other 3 who are all outstanding leaders so there would be a revolt.   #2) Greg is so flipfloppy. He often deserves the star but […]

I’ve just finished watching the pilot and have concluded that while it doesn’t move at quite the pace of some other shows, Pushing Daisies is pure delight. Its got the lightness and sweetness of a sitcom with the romance and longing of a drama and the mysteries of a procedural. The visual effects, score and […]


Today I went to Best Buy and bough Season 2 of How I Met Your Mother, Season 3 of The Office, Season 3 of Arrested Development and Season 1 of Friday Night Lights. I love TV on DVD. if I was patient enough to wait until everything was released on DVD I would watch everything […]

Kid Nation episode 2

Firstly: no one is as great a kid as Michael. He’s spectacular: hardworking, vastly intelligent, analytical, fair, kind, he has his priorities straight, he’s fond of the young kids, he knows when to speak and when to stay silent, he’s got an extraordinary gift of communication and leadership. I’m waiting for his flaw. he’s also […]


and for that matter. beautiful Hilda, beautiful Daniel, beautiful Justin, beautiful Mark, Christina, Claire, Alexis, Amanda, Wilhemina, Bradford, Santos and beautiful Henry. This show is just beautiful. The revelation of Alexis’ memory lapse made me gasp out loud (I’m sure my floor mates think I’m nuts), I almost started to cry when it was revealed […]


To the best cast ever: the best of Everwood, Alias, The West Wing, Ali McBeal, Prison Break, Six Feet Under, Reunion and an Oscar winning matriarch to tie them all together. Its lightning in a bottle when these people get together in front of a camera. To wonderful characters and relationships: no show has ever […]


I must confess that I got only half way through the pilot episode of Bionic Woman before turning it off in repulsion- and I had to force myself to get that far. I start of every new TV season with every intention of watching absolutely everything, at least giving it a couple episodes to win […]